Atomq 2021 state conference program - momentum

Yep…That is what I have been trying…still gives this message


I’m still getting the locked out message and have entered it multiple times / checked.

It just worked for me…weird…I must have tried it 25 times…looks like the 26th time was lucky?

Great! So glad to hear it worked. Again, sorry for the hassle. Thanks for bearing with us. Hopefully it’ll be smooth moving forwards. Thanks again.

It’s working currently, made it to Q/A.

Will recordings be uploaded for the sessions missed / unable to join?
Fingers crossed*

Production Hacks - The host has another meeting in progress.


for Production Hacks
the Zoom ID is: 84406592425
passcode: 000000

Still showing “host has another meeting in progress”

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For feedback purposes, and I know that everyone is trying their best. iPad Masterclass had no audio for the first ten mins, when it did connect we weren’t told what was going on so it was hard to join in without knowing what we were working on (couldn’t see the PowerPoint, app or hear). Then we couldn’t see the white board. The host has tried but there is no clear image when the computer is pointed at the wall or the laptop. I think the presenter would need to screen share for the online participants. The sound was crackly but ok, and we were dropping in and out. Hope this helps with setting up the online sessions next time. At this stage, I have not been able to participate in this session for the above reasons.


Hi Jo, I couldn’t access the one I wanted to view so I ended up in the one Penny is in. It has a primary focus.

I am still in the iPad one hoping it will work out. I think it is probably too late to join that session now :woman_shrugging:

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Or do you think it is worth jumping in?

Jump - talking about the new curriculum.

I haven’t been able to join a session since this morning’s key notes. I gave up around 1pm as it just was not working for me- I will wait for the recordings.


Teaching Students How to Create Cinematic Footage - The host has another meeting in progress
Directing Actors for Students and Teachers - The host has another meeting in progress

I’ve got the same message, Vicki :slightly_frowning_face:

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Also the acting one… host has another meeting in progress. you can join the State Library one.

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